Amber teething necklaces are a traditional remedy for baby teething. Amber is a natural analgesic and has been used for centuries in Europe. Amber's anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties are also recognized by allopathic medicine. In Austria, Switzerland and Germany, you will find amber teething necklaces sold in local pharmacies as doctors have long known about the healing properties of amber which include calmative, analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, and febrifuge (anti-fever) functions.
Unlike teething gels, powders or pain relief syrups, the traditional amber necklaces imported from the Baltic region are a less intrusive remedy for the pain and side effects of teething, such as lack of appetite, upset tummies, ear ache, red cheeks, fevers and nappy rash. Only Baltic Amber contains Succinic acid which is a natural analgesic. Beware of imitations.
Ambersoothe's Baltic amber necklaces can help calm a baby without resorting to drugs.
The Baby Amber necklaces are very light and each piece of amber is too small for a baby/child to choke on.
Amber necklaces are made for wearing, not for chewing as amber exhibits its pain relieving qualities when worn on the skin. The skin's warmth releases miniscule amounts of healing oils from the amber which are then absorbed via the skin into the bloodstream.
Please use caution and supervise your child while using the necklace. Do not leave the necklace on over night. Leaving the Amber necklace in the sun will help recharge its properties.
When can a child start wearing one?
An Amber Necklace can be worn from around 3-4months. As the misery of teething can last up to the age of 2 it is never too late to try one. However the earlier your child wears one they are less likely to notice it.
Healing properties of Baltic amber:
Is your child having trouble teething, red cheeks, dribbling, painful gums and sleepless nights? There are many pills and potions out there but putting different chemicals into your child’s body may not be for you. A popular remedy for teething pain in parts of mainland Europe is amber, worn as a short necklace. So how do they work? Firstly it’s important to remember that they are NOT for the child to chew on, they work by being worn against the skin, the heat of which releases microscopic amounts of oil, which is then absorbed into the skin. These amber teething necklaces are made of Baltic amber which is distinct from other types of amber as it contains succinic acid and it is this compound which gives amber teething necklaces their therapeutic quality. Succinic acid is naturally occurring in every cell of the human body and has many functions; analgesic (for pain relief), expectorant (to decrease mucous in the nose and chest), anti pyrectic (anti fever), anti spasmodic (reduces the diarrhoea from an over active bowel) and anti inflammatory (reduces the red cheeks and dribbling). Some parents of children with amber teething necklaces report that they don’t even know when new teeth break through as the child is no different to their normal contented self. Obviously safety is paramount and there are a few things to consider; Baltic sea amber teething necklaces should be worn only under supervision, and should be worn under the clothing against the skin. They are short to reduce the risk of getting caught on anything and the child will become desensitised to its presence around their neck. Amber teething necklaces should be removed during naps or night time. Each bead is rounded to prevent sharp edges damaging the child’s skin, and is individually knotted on to cotton so that if a breakage were to occur only one bead would come off the necklace, and their small size makes them much less likely to cause choking should they then be swallowed. The screw on clasp is made of plastic and not silver, and if a great strain is put on the necklace, this clasp will give way and allow the necklace to break open.
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